Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life
8 min readJun 16, 2020



Have Back Pain, No Support, Structure Of Your Life Crumbling?

Our backs contain and maintain three key aspects of how we live our life

Structure Of Your Life Crumbling? — Clay Banks, Unsplah

Unable to move because of the pain in your back?

The back is the fulcrum around which all movement takes place. When there is tightness, the pain can be excruciating — as I have known at many pivotal moments in my life.

Your back is divided into the lower (including the hips and pelvic region), the middle, and the upper (around the shoulders). Linking them all is the spine.

Each area of the spine is associated with a different probable cause of dis-comfort, inflammation, or pain. Your back is all about the support you believe you are receiving, or not.

Our backs contain and maintain three key aspects of how we live our life: its structure, our nervous system, and storing/processing experiences.

1. Structure Of Your Life

The structure of everything we are and do in and navigating our life is provided by our back. Being both strong and flexible, the small of our back allows us to stand straight and yet to bend to the changes life brings.

If there is any belief in a lack of support, whether from your boss, team, or family, your back will feel the strain.

Tightness suggests emotions connected with a lack of support and a wish to hold on to something.

The lower back provides the support and foundation, therefore mirroring your life. It was bouts of intense lower back pain which led me to write The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony.

In doing so I came to understand our bodies are the means by which we live and therefore reflect how we are living in any given moment. Which is why it is not uncommon for people who need to change a fundamental aspect of their life to break a bone. The effect is to literally change their structure.

Where Does it Hurt?

A neck out of alignment, disks crushed or even disintegrated, fracture of a bone, joints disconnected or frozen, each is an indication of an imbalance in the flow of energy through our physical body.

By linking the location of the pain to one of the seven prime chakras it is possible to identify the core belief seeking to be changed.

Left or The Right Side?

Another clue to help identify the message from our body is on which side is the pain or dis-comfort felt?

For the body does not use energy uniformly any more than it does oxygen. The right-hand side focuses on processes which concern aspects external to you. This includes work and career, hobbies, travel and so on. The right arm will be actively addressing these activities or attempting to put them in motion.

While the right leg is moving us into the place/situation/relationship so we can use our arm effectively.

It does not matter what skills or intentions you might have, if you cannot take a step toward the outcome you are seeking. The restraint comes from our beliefs.

The left side does similar, though opposite tasks. It is the side of self-care, self-worth, celebration, community, acceptance and meaningful life. This is where we are meant to be rather than do, where the world provides for us because we exist.

This makes Mother Earth a better place, where community is formed, we are celebrated, and we have a place within the all.

A majority of people struggle with all these actions, which is echoed in their left side being less adept at doing most of them and often being less developed strength wise. Being left rather than right handed will reverse this.

2. Your Nervous System

Our backs from the neck to our sternum host part of our nervous system. Many refer to psychic gifts as acquiring information from the “other side” or as flowing through the third eye. In fact these gifts, the ability to receive a variety of information which is not available to us through our physical senses, are actually located in our back.

While we are focused in front on the issues present in our conscious mind, such as the direction we are heading, our back is a radar dish collecting energetic information in all its forms.

Most have felt this when they say the hair on the back of their neck has risen. For it is our back which receives the information, bringing it into our awareness to be distributed.

Anything suspect is routed into our protective system such as our root or first chakra. Information which requires soul level wisdom or is an opportunity for movement forward on our path, is processed by our gut or third chakra for intuitive interpretation.

What we view as psychic information is processed through the third eye, which converts it into forms providing us with meaning and context.

3. Storage Of Your Experiences

The back also supports our safety and wellbeing through the limbic system which includes our brain stem or lizard brain survival programming. The spinal cord as part of the nervous system is our information and experience super highway.

Directing the storage of experiences as well as the ability to retrieve or process what has been stored.

No matter why events, emotions, and information are stored, they reside most often in our back. To be held in storage until we choose to process it. Having specifically sought not to be conscious of the issue, we cannot hold it in front of us. For here is where we are most conscious of ourselves and processing what we are working on during the day.

Should we not feel safe physically, emotionally, or mentally for long periods, we create coping mechanisms in order to survive.

The longer we store such experiences, they develop into core issues and eventually each block begins to act to attract attention through pain and dis-comfort.

For those who work with their chakras or with their Kundalini energy, it is important to be aware the root chakra is not just at the base of the spine. It includes the buttocks, the anus, the perineum and also the high upper thighs close to the hip sockets.

When there is a feeling of belonging and no longer having to work on your own, the sense of support flows into the lower back, benefiting the kidneys as well.

Which influences your blood, spine, legs, bones and nervous system as well as vagina for women and testes for men.

Any or all can become clogged with old information so creating an energy block to the back receiving anything.

To Support Your Back

Standing straight requires us to acknowledge all that we are and all which is around us, for better or worse. If not then…

…which is why Secret #1 answers the question: “Why is my back killing me?”

To better understand the message your root chakra is sending you, I have placed on YouTube a short video about Secret #1 — ready to allow yourself to feel supported?

Celine´s Broken Ankle

When I first met Celine at a workshop she was hobbling from having broken her ankle six months earlier. “I don’t know why it won’t mend properly,” she said. During our first session, it became apparent she was unsure about how to structure her life.

She was divorced, living and working in the New York area, and met her boyfriend in Michigan only once a month. Celine explained how her ankle broke one day while out walking. She stepped forward and her trailing ankle simply remained stuck to the ground!

During one Skype call, Celine excitedly told me she had become engaged though was concerned about how long it would take to raise money to pay for the wedding. She was also concerned about leaving behind the business she created on the East Coast to live in Michigan.

Among the limitations we addressed was a vow of poverty made in another life and a childhood memory of her grandmother referring disparagingly to “being rich”. Both were acting to limit the income she allowed herself to create. When asked about her ankle, she said that apart from a few recent twinges, it felt great.

At the end of the session I asked Celine to complete a fire ceremony for all the limiting beliefs we addressed, along with every other one she could identify and all the roles, such as daughter, sister, college student, she had performed in her life to date.

She emailed me two weeks later, saying she had held the ceremony. A few months later I heard she was married and had created a new business in Michigan.

Warning Signs Your Root Chakra Is Out of Balance

The root chakra, muladhara in Sanskrit, is physically located at the feet, legs, and “roots” of your being. It is connected with the element of Earth.

Its association is with your sense of safety, security, and feeling at home within your skin. This chakra is also related to your family of origin and your human tribe.

Apart from pain or discomfort in your feet, legs etc. any of the following may indicate an imbalance in the root chakra:

  • Excess flexibility in your hamstrings/low sense of physical stability
  • Feeling ungrounded, unsafe, and insecure
  • Home life feels chaotic and unsettled
  • Feeling stuck in life/low sense of flexibility

Misalignment or blockage in this chakra may result in paranoia, fear, financial hardship, or procrastination. Preventing us taking action to, for example, attract and maintain financial security — meeting our basic needs.

An overactive root chakra often leads to compulsive gambling, drug addicts, alcoholics, video-game addicts as well as shopaholics.

To help bring your root into balance connect with Mother Earth. Go for a hike, walk in the sand, or garden. Be in Nature, just sitting and connecting with it. In doing so you are allowing Earth energy to move into you through your feet or perineum and flow upwards until it continues out of your crown chakra and returns to Spirit. Wear the colour red and stretch and strengthen your legs.

The next story in this series addresses the crown chakra.

When the root chakra is active and balanced, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You are able to put trust in others as you know they will support you.

To Knowing You Are Supported


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.