Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life
7 min readJun 28, 2020



Lacking Your Vision? No Connection To The Creator?

Unable to think clearly, apathetic, depression, many ideas yet no action taken? Your crown chakra is probably not open

Seeking Your Vision — Garvit Jagga, Unsplash

Ask successful people, and you will realise they all have a clear vision to guide them and so their business. Lack of such clarity of vision, and the sense of failure to achieve all that you feel you could, can lead to tension that becomes the root cause of problems such as intense headaches.

Do you suffer from migraines and tension headaches?

Lots of ideas and yet never take any action?

Secret #7 answers the question: “Where am I going, and what is the point to it all?”

Do you feel lost and alone, trying to fit purpose into your work rather than work being a joyful expression of your true purpose?

Leading to emotional fears of spiritual abandonment, loss of identity, and lack of connection with yourself and people around you? All evidenced in the phrase the dark night of the soul”.

The truth is — nothing will put you where you or you want your business to be until you are in living in harmony with your full potential. Are you ready to live it?

Or, perhaps are you really content to just reach the end of your life and wonder what could have been?…

…the crown chakra, or sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the energy centre within our body that is responsible for thought, awareness, wisdom, and our connection to the Creator.

Located at the very top of the head, the crown chakra is associated with the colours purple and violet and the pituitary gland within the head. This seventh chakra helps to regulate the energy of our consciousness.

It vibrates at a higher frequency than the third eye chakra and has the highest frequency vibration of the seven prime chakras. Whilst integrating the respective qualities and characteristics of each of the seven.

My story Your Body Wants To Be Free, Are You Listening? outlines how your body is sending you messages as well as overviews your chakra system.

The Influences of the Crown Chakra

In addition to representing the highest level of consciousness, knowledge and wisdom, the seventh chakra provides you with your sense of the world as whole.

When open it has an impact on, or is influenced by, these topics:

  • How much beauty you can see in the world around you
  • Your excitement levels
  • Motivation to achieve your vision
  • Whether you have restful sleep
  • Your ability to find peace
  • Your self-worth.

To better understand the message your crown chakra is sending you, I have placed on YouTube a short video about Secret #7ready to free your vision?

There you will also find an offer to download a FREE Copy of Secret #7 from my The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony”.

As the crown chakra is associated with knowledge and wisdom, many dis-regard the need for balance and harmony in their life. Thirst for knowledge and learning the new are beneficial, though when it becomes extreme it may have the opposite effect.

When your crown chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you constantly feel the need to seek approval from others in making any choices, especially money. You are easily affected by your perception of others towards you.

A pursuit such as money will be in control of you. Feeling you cannot live without money.

Common symptoms include depression, a sense of alienation or dis-connection from the Creator, and a lack of empathy. Following from a lack of vision and inspiration, there will be confusion about what you want to do. Often there will be a desire to oversleep.

Other physical symptoms include poor co-ordination, chronic tension headaches and exhaustion. You may also have difficulty in learning anything new, such as people´s names, a language, directions etc.. Another indicator being unable to think clearly when under stress or pressure.

Bringing Harmony Into Your Life

While a deficient crown chakra is passive or energetically “numb”, an excessive crown chakra is energetically aggressive or manic. You over-think everything!

With the result it is difficult to let things go easily, creating problems in your head that did not originally exist. You are over-enthusiastic in chasing the spiritual world, neglecting the needs of your physical body.

Symptoms of a hyperactive crown chakra include: cynicism, apathy, egotism, dis-connecting from your spirituality, self-destructive addictive tendencies and mental confusion.

To create harmony in your crown chakra wear the colours purple or violet and eat foods such as aubergine, passion fruit and red grapes. Another way to balance the crown chakra is to burn cleansing herbs such as sage, juniper, copal, frankincense and myrrh.

Crystals associated with the seventh chakra are: selenite, clear quartz, lepidolite and sugilite — often known as love stone.

Six Practices To Allow Your Vision To Flow

Here are six practices you can use to rejuvenate your perspectives, create inner peace and clarity in your life. They will allow your vision to flow. The two most important tools you need are commitment and patience.

1. Stop Believing Your Thoughts

Herein lies a fundamental error in understanding. How can we be our thoughts if we do not control them? You can discover this reality for yourself.

This quote from Byron Katie beautifully summarises the situation.

“I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that!”

Sit somewhere quiet and turn your attention inwards. Start to notice all the thoughts that drift into your awareness. Did you deliberately create these thoughts? Did you scheme, plan, or create any one of them intentionally?

Rather they just arise spontaneously from the vast abyss of your mind. Therefore, how can you be your thoughts? Furthermore, who is it that is observing them?

Then set your intent on your desires and vision. Once they crystallise, take action to bring them into creation.

2. Energy Work

Any type of energy work is a good way to improve and maintain the health of your crown chakra. Examples include qigong, falun gong, reiki, yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, EFT, and many others.

3. Extend Yourself

Open your crown chakra by extending your wisdom, stepping out of dead and limiting perspectives. Whatever you read, watch or hear, do so with self-growth as your intent. Acknowledge this guidance from Socrates:

“the more I learn, the less I realise I know”

4. Clear Out The Old

Simplify your surroundings. An excess of belongings and mess has been proven to create mental and emotional distress. When cleaning and simplifying your surroundings, you are also creating similar purification within.

5. Explore Plant Medicine

Plants can be sacred teachers that give us direct experiences of the Creator and ourself. Some of the most mystical and life-changing experience I have ever enjoyed have been during shamanic journeys, both for myself and guiding others. The plant teacher I use is the Saõ Pedro cactus growing at our Quinta in Portugal.

Others include Psilocybin mushrooms, or Ayahuasca. My caution is to never take them alone.

6. Commit To Your Own Daily Practice

Only you can build a strong connection to Spirit. Create a space in or around your house where you complete your daily practice. Mark it with any items which reflect your intent.

The daily practice is as diverse as humanity. It might include meditating, practicing yoga or qigong, praying, doing rituals, reading and studying sacred books, singing, drawing divination cards, creating art, watching nature, practicing visualisation or self-hypnosis…

…the combinations are endless! Just ensure you do what feels authentic to you.

There is no need to copy anyone. Create a daily ritual that nourishes your soul.

Once your crown chakra is open and balanced, you will also no longer feel dis-connected from people around you. Instead that sense of isolation will be replaced with a feeling of belonging and interconnectedness with all of life and the Creator.

You will know you are home.

To Knowing and Following Your Vision


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.