Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life
13 min readFeb 20, 2020



Your Body Wants To Be Free — Are You Listening?

Seven signs of pain and dis-comfort your body wants you to change

Physical pain and dis-comfort indicates your body is sending a message, and…

…you need healing from the effects of stress?

Tried to avoid stress, and yet never succeeded?

We know prolonged stress can be damaging… it drains our energy and weakens our immune system. Avoiding stress though is not always easy to do. After all, the world we see around us seems to thrive on stress… and we are afraid we will miss out on what we want to achieve if we cannot handle it.

So much so we accept it is usual for us to feel overwhelmed, under-appreciated and always rushing. Nay, it seems to be an essential part of our life.

And you know there is nothing you can do about it?

Do you know stress does far more than just make you feel worn out and run down? It places undue pressure on your immune system. It wears the body down, lowers its natural defences and recovery mechanism. The full price of stress is paid by all aspects of your entire being — your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

Trouble sleeping at night and not feeling rested the next morning is a common symptom. As is your digestive system suddenly not liking certain foods. Even your hair can seem to be thinning in certain places, as well going grey prematurely.

Beyond feeling tired every day, there is the anger, frustration and being dis-illusioned by the world around you. And if you have yet to feel all those emotions, not to worry… continue to “tolerate” your stress and those feelings will visit you soon enough!

Now the most interesting fact of all is…

That stress of yours? It is not a one-off event, meaning the wear-and-tear does not stop when it is over.

Physical Pain and Dis-Comfort Indicates Your Body Wants To Be Free

Rather it is stored in your body’s energy system and has the capability to create deep and debilitating “blocks”.

These blocks create a lack of harmony between what you are doing and your values and purpose. Often manifesting in a pain or illness, usually as inflammation in a part of your body. This correlates to a block or imbalance in the energy flowing around it.

The result can vary from physical symptoms such as headaches, skin rashes and digestive issues to emotional and mental challenges. They include sadness, lack of focus and an inability to be excited by your life

The good news is you can identify the sources of these blocks and so clear them. That way, you will be free of the old paradigms and create space for what you truly desire in your life.

Recharging your energy system anytime you choose. Seriously… you can literally delete all the collected stress and essentially “heal” these blocks from the inside out.

Before I do, let me outline a little more about your magnificent energy system and how to confirm when there are blocks. Your body sends warning messages “you need to heal your energy”

… when you listen to this message and act on it, you can stop those blocks from disrupting your life! 7 such warning signs are explained in this story.

As you know everything, including your body is energy. It has a magnificent system designed to connect you to the energy of the Creator that surrounds us all.

The Magnificent Energy System Guiding Your Life

Interpreting the body’s energy — its signals — is at the core of the most ancient medical practices and beliefs. This includes the traditional medicine of India (Ayurveda), the traditional medicine of China, and the indigenous peoples’ shamanic practices.

These practices work on the premise that our energy always seeks to create health in spite of what we do to ourselves emotionally and physically.

In order to channel and process all that energy, your system is equipped with energy centres known as chakras

…whilst your body has a multitude of these energy centres, there are seven major ones that are crucial to your creating harmony in your life. Their energy flows in a clockwise direction from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and back again:

Each centre resonates at a slightly different frequency and each regulates different aspects of your physical and emotional being.

Located at the base of your spine is the Root chakra. It governs your most primal instincts and is literally the foundation of your entire energy system! Lack of harmony in this chakra will leave you feeling detached and scattered, debilitated with a lack of energy, low blood pressure, poor circulation, no or irregular menstrual periods, anorexia, or immune system disorders.

Unable to stay focused and centred in the different aspects of life, other symptoms can include intestinal problems, hypertension, insecurity, unexplained fear and depression.

The Energy Of Your Sacral Chakra

Your second or Sacral chakra is in the lower abdomen, right below your navel. The sacral area is a powerful influence in our lives. It is about discovering relationships and exercising control of our external environment.

The motivation of the sacral is to survive financially and physically, to be able and willing to take risks, to have the resilience to recover from any loss, and to have strong personal and professional decision-making ability. The chakra governs your sense of pleasure and well-being as well as your sex drive.

A lack of harmony in the sacral is likely to manifest in physical problems associated with the fluids flowing through the body. These include kidney problems, constipation, muscle cramps and spasms, infertility, insufficient lactation, lack of energy, allergies (hypersensitivity to the environment), and irritable bowel syndrome.

The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony describes the beliefs and symptoms associated with each of the seven major chakras. When writing the book I chose NOT to use the word chakra as I was afraid how others might perceive me — the business coach!

Want to Know More about each chakra, follow this link to seven videos I have made describing the symptoms and causes associated with each one. They will help you identify the “you need healing” message from your body.

Even though each chakra regulates very different aspects of our life, they are all interconnected. In fact, view them instead as your body’s energy management system. When they are in harmony and flowing you are in “the zone”. However, if one energy centre becomes blocked, the lack of harmony will impact the others.

This is why so often it is difficult to pinpoint a specific block… whilst you know something is wrong, because your energy system is so cohesive, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the block is hiding.

Seven Signs Your Body Wants To Be Free

It is also why deep “healing” needs to address ALL YOUR ENERGY CENTRES… not just one or two.

Before we do, here are the warning signs I mentioned earlier.

Warning Sign #1: Ongoing Fatigue

Everyone becomes tired… everyone can become run down. However, if you are tired more often than not for no apparent reason, you may well have a block in your energy system. This is certainly the case if you burn out.

Remember, this is your energy management system. If you are constantly feeling less than 100%, your energy is probably not flowing the way it would like — a good indicator of a deeply embedded block. The lack of harmony could be absorbing energy from your other, still-functioning chakras.

To confirm this is the sign of a blocked chakra, first eliminate the obvious such as not having sufficient sleep and reviewing what you eat. A diet of processed and sugary foods will not provide your body with the fuel it needs to sustain it. Result, ongoing fatigue!

Exercise is another obvious factor. Just taking a walk everyday in Nature will help relieve stress. Review if there is enough physical activity in your day-to-day routine to stretch your body.

Once you have reviewed what you think could be the traditional causes of fatigue, assess is energy still draining away? If so, you probably have a block in your energy system and it wants to be free.

Warning Sign #2: Lack of Focus

In the information society, the constant flow of distractions mean focus is easy to lose.

Studies continue to confirm a decline in society´s ability to focus for more than a few seconds. Which is why commercials are shorter and why texting is more likely than sending an email or making a call to have a lengthy conversation.

This is not unusual, so you are not alone!

If you find it hard to stay focused on the task at hand, a blocked chakra may be at play.

There are obvious actions you can take such as enjoying a technology free day, prioritising, closing the door and minimising distractions, for example. The cause though is often not a lack of time-management skills, rather a lack of harmony in your energy system.

Warning Sign #3: Apathy

Sometimes, it is not a lack of focus that is keeping you from achieving your desires. Rather a deeper lack of inspiration is present… or worse, a lack of desires altogether.

Being apathetic often results in a complete loss of desire. No longer enjoying life and activities that used to give you joy for example…

…no longer allowing space for hobbies and connections that once brought you an inner glow.

Apathy is the result of a deep resignation at the core of your being. The voice of your inner critic saying “it does not matter what you do, your life is not going to change”.

Having a hobby or a positive mindset is not going to change it.

Apathy does not appear overnight. Usually it is created by a string of events we view as disappointments, betrayals, difficulty making ends meet financially. All of these and more eat away at our self-esteem until eventually, we decide we are no longer worthy and so why make the effort?

Our focus becomes one of what we have to do to survive.

Of course, none of this is true.

Life is — and has always been — what each of us makes of it. Once we accept we alone are responsible for our life, we can choose to transform it. The deep blocks in your energy system are keeping you from this truth and your body wants you to be free.

Warning Sign #4: Unexplained Fear or Worry

Do you find yourself always thinking the worst possible outcome? Do you have trouble believing that something good could happen to you?

Does your imagination take even the smallest event and turn it into a major obstacle?

If the answer is yes, you very likely have a block in your energy system!

This is not about the occasional bout of concern…

… rather if you find you constantly see the worst possible outcome OR that you feel stifled by a fear you just cannot explain, the answer lies in a blockage in your energy system.

The fear you are feeling is the result of the lack of harmony

… it is your body’s way of sending you a message it needs YOUR help to be free.

Our ancestors had practices to recognise this and so take action to bring harmony back to their energy system. Today our mind is more likely to process this sensation as an actual, physical threat.

This is why so many live in a constant state of worry. Allowing your imagination to run wild with the absolute worst possibilities. Often creating a sense of fear even when you have no idea of what it is you are supposed to be afraid of!

Warning Sign #5: Listen To Your Words

We confirm the world around us by the words we use. When in a good state, the world is viewed as kind and beneficial. If, on the other hand, we are creating stress in our life, we may be affirming to ourselves the world is a bad, hard, greedy, selfish place. So following the first Law of the Universe, the world around will be in agreement with those thoughts.

It will only show you what you are affirming. It can become a self-fulfilling negative spiral that keeps affirming itself by proving itself “right” through the repeating circles of thought — experience — reaffirmed thought — more of that experience, and so on.

When we desire transformation, it is essential to first observe how we talk to ourselves, and others. What words do we use? Which view of the world do they support? If there is a sense of heaviness, then it may be the moment to consider the way we perceive and are in the world.

Doubtful statements like “Am I worthy of…?” has the opposite effect of what you are seeking. Thoughts such as: “Is it possible?” is viewed by Creation as — it seems unlikely.

Expressing conditioned doubt is also a sign harmony is not present within you. As is “Can I leave the job I hate and find a better one… is this possible?”; or “Will I receive a… ?”; “I will try…” etc. Our conditioning suggests there is a specific plan each of us must follow, rather than taking responsibility for our own creations.

The identities we are expressing are created through our conditioning. And where does this come from — lack of harmony in your energy system.

Warning Sign #6: Inability to Move Forward

Apathy, fear and lack of focus all make it difficult for us achieve our desires. What though if there is something else?

What if you just have trouble moving forward, toward what you say you desire?

This symptom is typically the result of being unwilling to let go of our beliefs about past events.

Do you find yourself dredging up old events to justify why you cannot do something? Placing responsibility with others for not achieving what you say you are going to do?

Giving in to perceived beliefs about your abilities, gifts and skills others have created for you. Being the victim of the actions of others.

When that happens, we begin to doubt the truth of who we are… and we become stagnant as a result, unable to continue on the path of exploration our soul desires.

Warning Sign #7: Resisting Change

There are many ways in which we resist change and momentum in our lives. There is a part of us that prefers to stay the same, enjoys its comfort, even if those feelings are low and draining us of energy.

We feel safe, because the patterns are familiar to us, it is our comfort zone. We generally resist change because we feel as though our safety relies on remaining in that comfort zone, which is what we know and have accepted. This influences all aspects of our life as any transformation, however small, can undermine those long-held beliefs.

It is not only what we consider to be major issues such as leaving a partner, changing a job, saying Yes instead of No, saying No instead of Yes, moving houses, countries, changing a diet or stopping an addiction. Our minds may start to block any move to break our established habit.

When we take a look at our relationships, our family, we must look for any patterns that seem to flow through the ancestral lineage. The key is to take a step back and seek to identify any patterns. In particular, any unhealthy attitudes and addictive behaviours that have become a consistent part of the family story.

Such behaviours are very often passed on from generation to generation. For example, with a bullied child there is a very high possibility that he/she may well become the bully to their friends and families — then it may be that their child is bullied, who will in turn become the bully.

On and on it continues, generation after generation, that people are maintaining and becoming the expected belief about life within that lineage.

Identify The Beliefs Blocking My Chakras

When we are able to recognise this we have the choice to change such repeated actions, thoughts and feelings. This may provoke resistance and you must choose whether to remain as you are or start the process of transformation.

This is when your will and passion for evolution, growth and release comes into play. The first step being to identify the pattern and where you feel resistance to making the change in your body. This will help identify which energy centre is blocked.

Without first becoming aware of the belief and then choosing to remove these patterns of belief, which push away our hopes, dreams and desires, it is not possible to overcome resistance.

Only then can the feelings like: “poor me”; “I am not worthy”; or even “the world owes me, so I will take and not give back” be altered. Only then is it possible to start to claim back your life, become more whole, more peaceful and more joyful.

Once the process is started it will in turn have a ripple effect on everything around you and many aspects of your life. That is the shamanic way of self-responsibility.

Everything you have experienced in your life is a result of your own energy. Therefore YOU have the ability to change that energy any moment you want.

Your ancestors knew all about such energy work and used it to maintain harmony in their lives.

In fact, many of the energy work practices used today date back thousands of years… and the reason — they work!

Your Energy System Wants To Be Free

Because the root of your stress is blocked energy, once flowing again your health, your focus and your energy level will improve.

Just knowing these seven warning signs is an essential first step… you now have the ability to spot these red flags and recognise their hidden meaning…

And that is going to help you identify and isolate the real cause…so you can clear those blocks and reactivate your entire energy system.

Then you will be free to go where you want to go…it only needs you to choose the actions to take.

To You Being Free


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Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.