KINK 101

How To Go From A Kinky Dominant To an Obedient Submissive

Tips in BDSM play.

Nadège, sex scholar
Pleasure Science
Published in
6 min readSep 10, 2020


Photo by Ryan McVay. Image licensed by Canva.

“How can you switch from being the dom to the sub? What goes on in your mind when you fully take on both roles?”

— Question from a kink-curious anon.

A couple of weeks ago, I asked members of my community what they wanted to know about sex. I was giddy to receive an influx of BDSM inquiries!

For the last decade, I’ve been involved in all things kink. I’ve been a professional submissive for Kink University, the education division of Kink.Com. I wrote my thesis on this BDSM porno (and visited the set to watch it get made!). Eventually, I even trained to be a Dominatrix in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

When I saw this message in my inbox it lept out to me. My journey in kink is one that vacillates from Dominance to submission.

So, for any BDSM beginners who want to switch up the roles, I’ve got some great tips on how to do so in fun, safe, and consensual ways.

First, it helps to know the lingo.

Identifying as a bottom and a top means you are a “Switch”



Nadège, sex scholar
Pleasure Science

Sex scholar & bestselling author featured in Cosmo, Women's Health, & The History Channel. Learn what your natural sex strengths are →