Your Brain Is Your Biggest Sex Organ, Here Is How To Start Using It

13 hawt prompts to stimulate your mind.

Nadège, sex scholar
Pleasure Science
Published in
7 min readMay 3, 2021


Photo by Marcus Aurelius.

One of the best ways to discover and explore your sensual nature is to write things out. Your brain is your biggest sex organ, but are you conscious of the role your thoughts play during arousal?

Usually, we’re focused on the body (and very specific parts at that!) This article is here to help you get your “sexy thinks” flowing so you can pinpoint how fantasy influences your sexuality.

Before we start there are a few ground rules that can help you get the most out of this experience. First off, throw any expectations out the door. These prompts are not designed to make you a writer or help you be a better writer, in fact, it is best if you free write your thoughts onto the paper as you think them. If you find yourself starting off by writing about groceries or chores you haven’t done, that’s normal! How many times have you gotten distracted during sex or masturbation? Brains are funny things.

Second, this titillating exercise is for your eyes only, you are not obligated to share it with anyone — ever. Finally, if you feel nervous set a five-minute timer and give yourself permission to free write all your thoughts onto the paper until the buzzer goes off. Boom, you just wrote out some…



Nadège, sex scholar
Pleasure Science

Sex scholar & bestselling author featured in Cosmo, Women's Health, & The History Channel. Learn what your natural sex strengths are →