Prostitution ~ Sex Work is Work

How Much Do Prostitutes Earn?

Deb Hands
The Sex Work
5 min readJun 10, 2023


This article looks specifically at payments to those who have hands-on contact with clients and not the broader range of sex works, which includes remote contact via webcams, phone sex, etc.


Is it well paid?

There are misconceptions about how much we earn, people seem to think we earn far more than the reality.

1 Jul 2016: The Daily Mirror ran a headline that there were 70,000 prostitutes in the UK earning an average of £2,000 per week.

I’ll bet a lot of people started to investigate how to make this career change when they saw that figure.

“The major study into the UK’s sex industry found they charge around £78 for services — and have around 25 clients each every week.”

And: If only! said about 99% of them while rolling their eyes.

How did the newspaper get this figure, and why is it wrong?

It came from a report for the Members of Parliament. It said there are an estimated 70k x 25 = 1.75 million transactions weekly, with the punters handing over £136 million per week.

Even if those figures are true, that isn’t all profit in the pockets of sex workers as the newspaper claims.



Deb Hands
The Sex Work

Expert in sensual massage. British female sex worker with more than 25 years experience of the industry. Mottos: You're never too old. Let's talk sexuality.