7 “Dark Side” Dangers of Jumping Off the Job Ladder

And my top 6 career-building guidelines you can use NOW to land safely

P. Venkat Raman
The Shadow


Cartoon by the Author

Agree with the truth behind the message above? I have received heartfelt affirmations from folks who would know:

You’ve hit the nail on the head! — B.A.

Funny, sad, true, all at the same time. — B.H.

I have seen this scenario unfold in my own life.

At the time the work-from-home directive went into effect last year due to the pandemic, my wife had been taking public transportation to go to work each day — an hour and a half each way in commuting time. When the remote work started, suddenly we gained three hours each day!

Slowly, her workload increased, and before we knew it, she had some work to do every day of the week!

This begs the question …Who controls your workload?

The answer: Your boss, of course.

There’s the rub. As long as you hold down a job, your duties are really determined by your boss, taking into account several factors beyond your knowledge or control.

The solution to this problem seems to scream at our face: Be Your Own Boss!



P. Venkat Raman
The Shadow

A tortoise among internet marketing hares. Slowly inching toward the goal.