7 Mistakes Good Bosses Don’t Make

Small tweaks in leadership techniques to avoid huge headaches

Max Klein
The Shadow


Credit: HBRH on Shutterstock

I pictured myself in military prison, my future ruined. Thoughts like this were racing through my head as I sprinted back to the barracks from the rifle range.

“Oh crap, Oh crap, Oh crap….where is it?” I thought as a cold sweat trickled down my brow.

There was an M16 rifle missing. Gone. We couldn’t find it. We were on the rifle range in Marine Boot Camp on Parris Island, South Carolina.

Somehow I’d finagled my way into being the ‘Platoon Guide’, which is basically the leader of the other 75 recruits in the platoon. One of the recruits went to sick call and left his rifle on his bunk unlocked…and we had forgotten to take it with us to the range.

Losing a weapon on a military base is the equivalent of closing a country’s borders…or worse. EVERYTHING stops. No one, not spouses, not kids, not school busses, no one is allowed on or off the entire base until the weapon is found.

I arrived at the empty barracks. There it was! Phew! I grabbed it and ran back to the range.

I could tell through his rage that the Drill Instructor was relieved but I also knew punishment had to be handed out. But to who? Was it the recruit’s fault who left his…

