A ‘Pandemic Hero’ Died After Catching Covid-19

Elad Simchayoff
The Shadow
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2021


The inspirational life of ‘Captain Tom’, and his symbolic death

Captain Sir Tom Moore. Photo: Twitter

I’ve spoken with Captain Tom Moore in April. He had just celebrated an accomplishment not even he thought was possible.

Britain was at the peak of the first wave. Hospitals were under immense strain, hundreds were dying every day. Locked down in our houses for the first time in recent history; These were days of fearing what was known and dreading what was not.

In the face of national despair, Tom Moore decided to act. He was then 99 years old, about to turn 100 in three weeks. Together with his family, he thought of a way to help those in need.

Tom wanted to raise money for the NHS, the British National Health Service. He was recently treated for cancer and a broken hip and seeing the struggles that the medical staff was facing made him decide to help. He came up with a plan — Tom would walk the length of his garden, 82ft, 100 times before he turns 100. 10 laps a day for 10 days. The amount he set out to raise was £1,000.

“We didn’t even think we would make £1,000”, his daughter Hanna told me, but Tom gave it a go. Assisted by his walking frame, he started the journey on April 6. With the help of various charities, he raised £1,000 in a couple of days, but Tom was just getting started.



Elad Simchayoff
The Shadow

I love writing about what I love. Israeli/British. Father, husband, dog person. Support me by joining Medium via this link: https://eladsi.medium.com/membership