After 35 Years I’ve Accepted that I’m a Bit Weird

I’ve never quite fit the stereotype.

Joe Douglas
The Shadow


The Orb from Marvel Comics

Growing up in the town I did, boys were expected to be into sports and cars. Neither of these things interested me. My reaction to sport was basically the same as Moss from IT Crowd (see below) and, unless you were talking about the Ecto-1, the Batmobile or Doc Brown’s DeLorian, cars were just practical tools to get you places. Oh, and I’m into art which, in that town, made you something of a leper.

Now at 35, those opinions have not changed. In fact I’ve realised that even within the less mainstream interests and sub cultures I’ve been a part of my whole life — comics, art, collectors, nerds, geeks — I’m a bit of a strange one.

Let’s take sci-fi for example. I love me some good sci-fi. But for me, the best sci-fi is Doctor Who or 2001: A Space Odyssey (the books, not the film). Star Wars and Star Trek though? Yeah, I find them okay, but nothing special. I have seen the original three Star Wars films and The Force Awakens, but don’t ask me what happens in them. Actually, Force Awakens I found rather dull. The Matrix and Day the Earth Stood Still (the original) though? Now those are brilliant sci-fi films!



Joe Douglas
The Shadow

Collector. Writer. Artist. Geek. I write mostly about the hobby of collecting. Check out my full portfolio at