Am I Really A Non-Self-Confidence Person?

What makes you trust yourself?

The Shadow


Photo by ALEKSEY KUPRIKOV on Unsplash

If the source of the problem is really man himself, it is man himself who can fix it.

We have to rely on ourselves for a lot of things we do, including our personal needs. For example, even thinking about trying out a new recipe or picking up the heavy pot at the top of the cupboard shows our self-confidence. These are multi-day jobs, even some people jobs that they do all the time.

So, do these people know their self-confidence when they do these jobs.

People don’t usually notice self-confidence. We, humans, are in such a way of thinking that we always think that we are non our self-confidence about some things. For example, we all think about starting a new business. But sometimes it takes minutes for us to give up this attempt. And sometimes when we’re halfway there, we give up. When you are halfway down the road, several reasons can be cited as the reason for giving up.

Our biggest problem as humanity is giving up before we start working. The moment we think we don’t have self-confidence, this takes destruction in our brains. Our subconscious makes this destruction a habit after a while and says, “You can’t do it” with the signals it gives, whatever we want to do. We also naturally listen to our subconscious.

