Animal Farm by George Orwell

The Reality of Revolutions unfolded by the Animals of Manor Farm

Mahnoor Javed
The Shadow


Animal Farm by George Orwell (Image by Author)

“Animal Farm” is a political satire written by George Orwell in 1946. Written as a short novel of 112 pages, the novella revolves around the story of a farm, where animals began a revolution to free themselves of human control.

Through the use of animal character and subtle meanings embedded within the script, Orwell talks about revolutions, how they are started, and how much benefit do they actually bring.

George Orwell

George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Arthur Blake, a critique writer, and journalist best known for “Animal Farm” and the dystopian novel “1984”.

George Orwell (Image from Wikipedia)

Orwell used his literary work to express his opinions over the deeper problems of life and in trying to make the world a better place. He was in the deeper sense, a political writer, someone who used writing in order to change the world.

Orwell had a natural admiration towards the simple-minded, and detested the intellectuals, accusing them of sins and hypocrisy, and thus left the privileges of his class behind and to live…



Mahnoor Javed
The Shadow

An engineer by profession, a bibliophile by heart!