Cats Are Trash Human Beings, But They Can Possibly Fix Feminism

Three things I learned from my cats that may help us be better feminists.

Majella Mark
The Shadow


During quarantine last year I was spending a lot of time with my four legged roommates, admiring their ‘Big Pussy Energy’ on a day to day basis. My cats gradually became my feminist ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ duo, teaching me many lessons about confidence, cooperation and proper cat fighting methods. I began to record my observations, including the different ways they demanded their food, their reactions when I woke them from their naps and their variety of approaches to receive affection from me. I eventually came to the conclusion that cats are trash human beings. Here is why.

Unlike humans, cats have no shame in their public displays of hedonism, consistently fight and make up more frequent than Real Housewives on Bravo and make clear that no means no unless you want to get clawed.

With this new epiphany, like many other millennials I decided to write the most ridiculous book imaginable, hoping that the readers get a good laugh and maybe learn something.

“Cats Are Trash Human Beings” is an adult picture pop up book teaching simple concepts about feminism using analogies around…



Majella Mark
The Shadow

Ft. Writer for @CultureBanx, Author of “Cats Are Trash Human Beings,” Filmmaker