Dare to Embrace Love as Your Core Value

This Simple Radical Act Can Revolutionize Your Work

Mike Murawski
The Shadow


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

After the unrelenting grief, pain, tension, stress, and divisiveness of the ongoing pandemic, we all certainly need a moment when we can begin to catch our breath, reflect a bit on what matters, and find our bearings again. To begin our slow process of healing, it can be helpful to bring our attention to some core human emotions, values, and principles that might work to get us unstuck and counteract the negativity we’ve been experiencing for much of the past couple years —a renewed focus on things like joy, gratitude, belonging, kindness, and, above all, love.

Yes, love. This age-old emotion may be one of our strongest and most human superpowers at times like these. And not just in the ways we might typically think, such as in the context of romantic relationships or our family. If we take the time to think more expansively about love and open ourselves to its rich complexities, it has the power to transform not just our personal life but also our work.

That’s right, I said work. One radical and brave way to expand our thinking about love is to seriously consider its role within our professional practice and the organizations we work for. As we revisit our vision and goals, might we dare to embrace love as a guiding principle and value in…



Mike Murawski
The Shadow

consultant, educator, & change leader. Author of “Museums as Agents of Change” (2021); writes “Agents of Change” Substack; Co-Producer #MuseumsAreNotNeutral