Even Me

White Anti-Racism Requires Discomfort

Brittany A. Stone
The Shadow


Photo by Julian Wan on Unsplash

I’ve written quite a bit over the years about race, but during this time of great momentum in the wake of the most recent round of Black deaths — Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Rayshard Brooks — I have struggled to put pen to paper.

I’m a pragmatist, but I have a streak of optimistic empathy for people that is near militant. For years, I’ve been tossing out anti-racist life lines to white audiences with the conviction that one day they’ll take the line, one of these times they’ll see. They’ll get it; we just have to keep at it. “The arc of the moral universe [may be] long, but it bends towards justice,” I believe that. In my bones, I believe that. They’ll come around! They’ve got to. And I will be here as a friend and mentor to help rehabilitate them from the addiction to privilege and systemic white supremacy, and we’ll all work together to dismantle the inequities and build a better world — hooray!

It’s not really going like I expected.

More white people are showing up now than ever before, and I feel like I should be happier about it. More welcoming, maybe? But instead, I find myself so… aggravated. I am having to dig deeper than I had anticipated needing to dig in order to find the patience and empathy I’d always assumed would come naturally to me in this moment.



Brittany A. Stone
The Shadow

Still tinkering. Linguist & pop culture enthusiast seeking to empower democracy and overcome “impossible.” Charlottean. Green & Gold 49er.