Failure Can Create A Pathway To Success

Failure Is Not The Enemy

Emmanuel Ayeni
The Shadow


Photo by Linas Bam on Unsplash

The fear of failing has prevented so many people from achieving the full depth of their talent or potential. They never take action because they’ve become paralyzed by the thought of not succeeding.

I used to be terrified of failure that I never really explored many things to discover if I was good at it or not. I was scared of the “future embarrassment” I would feel if I failed. Mostly never thought of the “future accolades” I would enjoy if I succeeded.

I started publishing on medium last year after I’d finally gotten over the fear of people not reading my work.

Impact of environment on the perception of failure

The way see or react to failure is due to numerous reasons of which the environment and socialization we grew up in is a major one.

Growing up in Nigeria was/is tough if you “failed”. Especially the years between 11 and 16 when you’re in secondary school. This is the equivalent of high school in most western countries. This is the period when many teenagers are most lacking in emotional intelligence when interacting with others. Or as modern language will call it, “savage”.



Emmanuel Ayeni
The Shadow

Data Analyst, I Like to Read. Politics, History, Psychology, Sociology, Self-improvement