High School Doesn’t Have to Be the Best Time of Your Life

Don’t put so much pressure on yourself

Réka Barabás
The Shadow


Image: Isometric Back To School Concept by naulicrea on elements.envato.com

So many people have said this phrase to me before: “High school years are going to be the best years of your life!”… so many that I actually started believing it and then felt awful when my experience was just… not it. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t bullied, I had some friends but it was a very average, normal, nothing out of the ordinary little high school life. You might say nothing like in the movies or what people tend to describe it to be.

I personally was incredibly excited to get out and go to university, a place where I could finally study what I really wanted to and where I would be surrounded by people who have similar interests and outlooks on life. I never really had that before. I could wear whatever I wanted, I could do whatever, whenever and I could just… start over. Making new friends wasn’t as hard as I previously thought and I didn’t miss high school at all.

I am aware that a lot of people have different experiences. Once or twice a year when all of my high school classmates would be in our home city again, we would meet up, and they would talk about how better everything was and how much they miss school. One girl asked me if I miss those times and she was very shocked when I immediately said “no”. I really didn’t…

