How Often Should You Post On TikTok in 2021?

I did a one month experiment on TikTok to see if people who start out in 2021 still have a chance of going viral

Réka Barabás
The Shadow


Image: “Cellphone reading a book” by fernandezpedro from

TikTok has been on my radar for a while but I haven’t used it as a creator because I was just too focused on YouTube and Instagram, and I couldn’t find the time. But after my research about the influence of the app on the music industry, I decided to invest some time in building up my TikTok account and see if it is as easy as all the overnight sensations suggest it is.

My experiment looked like this:

  • 1st week (January 31 — February 7): posting 1 video per day
  • 2nd week (February 7 — February 14): posting 2 videos per day
  • 3rd week (February 14 — February 21): posting 3 videos per day
  • 4th week (February 21 — February 28): posting 4 videos per day

Now, it is important to note that I didn’t start my account now. I signed up at the end of 2019, uploaded one video then forgot about it, began consuming content when the lockdown started, posted some videos (max 10) but not regularly and by the time I undertook this experiment this February, I had 144 followers. It is also important to mention that I set up the account…

