Body Positivity | White Privilege | Racism

How White Women Keep Failing Black Women

Why Do We Have To Make It About Us

Cyndy Lay
The Shadow
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2021


Silhouettes of three women’s faces. Photo Credit Tomozina

I’ll be honest and start with a bit of a mea culpa. I’m quite tired of being told that, as a white woman, I need to do better. I internally roll my eyes when someone tells me that my thinking or my language is problematic. I am happy to tout my efforts to be anti-racist as I simultaneously complain of my exhaustion doing this work.

And then something will happen that hits me like a two-by-four across the head and refuses to let me escape my privilege. Other times, it is the subtle message of another’s words that light the fuse inside me. I suppose this past year, my experience has been a melding of the two.

I want to do better. I want to be better. In a world filled with a million mixed messages and loved ones becoming entrenched in their positions, I find myself at a fork in the road. In one direction, there is the life that I’ve been living. Dividing my time between being a wife, a mom, and a professional, I have lived a bit like an ostrich. Head in the sand and pretending that the beach isn’t eroding while I just keep swimming. In the other direction, there is the life that is waving at me like one of those inflatables outside of a wireless carrier. Likely very…



Cyndy Lay
The Shadow

Nurse | Writer | Warrior In Recovery | Epistemophiliac | Life Explorer with Crooked Sense of Direction & Creative Internal Compass | More @