iPhone 12 Mini vs iPhone 13 Mini

A Comparison Of The Mighty Minis

Paul Douglas
The Shadow


Photo Credit: Apple

Apple revealed its latest upgrade to the iPhone at its 14th September reveal event. The new iPhone 13 comes in 4 variants, the iPhone 13 Pro Max, 13 Pro, the 13, and the baby of the family, the iPhone 13 Mini. In this article, I will concentrate on my favourite model, the 13 Mini, which I shall compare to my favourite model from last year, the 12 Mini.

The 12 Mini released in October 2020 was a godsend for those of us who love all the latest iPhone features but don’t want it packaged in a pocket-busting size. The Mini is the sweet spot in the range, offering identical internal specs of the full-size iPhone 12, but in a chassis that makes one-handed use a breeze.

I love the 12 Mini but overall it didn’t sell nearly as well as its stablemates in the range. It was therefore by no means a given that Apple would continue the model this year.

In welcome news, however, on 14th September the company announced it would make available an iPhone 13 mini. This phone, like the 12 Mini before, will contain all the technology of the full-fat iPhone but in a more hand-friendly package.


The new phones in the 13 range have taken the design queues from the 12. Whilst the 12 was an evolution (or rather a devolution as it…



Paul Douglas
The Shadow

I have always loved to write, especially poems and short stories. I also have an abiding love for technology and gaming. I love to share my outlook with others.