Linux POP!_OS Nailed It

The competitive, daily-driver, “cosmic” desktop experience

The Shadow


POP!_OS logo
POP!_OS logo graphic, courtesy of System76.

I have been on record stating that I am a huge fan of Linux and also urging you to give it a try. As many of us enthusiasts do, I have a dedicated machine (some older ThinkCentre) to enjoy “distro-hopping”. It means I will install new distros as they become available and give them a whirl.

I tried out POP!_OS 21.04 with the so called “COSMIC” desktop environment recently and came away pretty impressed. But not only because of POP!_OS. The future of Linux as a whole is looking brighter than ever and access to the mainstream userbase may soon be on the horizon.

Desktop environments have come a long way

System76, who are responsible for this special flavor of Ubuntu have outdone themselves and tweaked the Gnome desktop experience to something that is so beautiful, simple to use and easy to understand, even for complete newcomers. They call it “COSMIC” and “out of this world” it is. Everyone with a slightly above average interest in their computing experience knows how a desktop environment works, no matter if you are coming from Windows or the Mac side of things. Just by looking at these screenshots I took, you’ll be able to see all the bells and whistles and benefits this has.



The Shadow

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.