Meditation on Self-Discovery, Humility and Gratitude

Stream of consciousness —

Josh Gane
The Shadow
2 min readAug 18, 2023


Self-discovery is a process that continues to amaze me on a daily basis. I am not the person I was a week ago, and I assume I will be a different person a week from now. When I have a new insight into how I want to live, the work truly begins. The journey usually begins with a series of failures. But, each failure is actually a lesson that makes me stronger, and takes me closer to my positive goal.

If I can remain vigilant, and persevere through the losses, then I might have intermittent success. After suffering often — the pain of change through failure — the wins become very rewarding and meaningful. If my goals are genuine and altruistic, then the successes bring me true joy.

But, even when I begin to master something, I cannot lose focus. There will be times when I fail, and I must forgive myself, learn and move on. Each failure teaches something new because every situation is different. I cannot be complacent or I will likely return to a place of ego and negativity.

Today, I will focus on the actions that have brought me peace, and try to use that energy to create new joyous experiences. The past cannot be replicated, but the nature of humility and gratitude do not change — only the situations in which they are applied. Some situations are more challenging than others. But, if I am humble and grateful, I will be at peace.



Josh Gane
The Shadow

Freelance Writer; Former writer @ RapTV; Former College Writing Instructor; BA Philosophy UNC; MA English NC State.