Nerds Need Love Too

The dirty little secret of why we shame high achievers and how it threatens us all.

Kayus Fernander
The Shadow


Photo by Salem Ochidi on Unsplash

Laura: “Where did you get the money for this?”

Steve Urkel: “From my stay-away fund. Every year, my relatives send me money in hopes that I won’t visit them.”

When I was a kid, I got called Steve Urkel at least once.

It was an easy joke to make. I was a black kid with glasses who did well in school. I didn’t have the annoying, high-pitched voice (or did I?) or the propensity to swoop into my neighbor’s house unannounced (except for our relatives, we weren’t even allowed into people’s homes).

But, I was that kid. The nerd.

I found reading at an early age and fell in love with books, a passion that was fuelled by the number of novels and encyclopedias (we owned two different sets) in our home. I discovered an appetite for understanding the world and how things worked. I got caught up in fantasy and stories, perhaps too mature for my age at the time. I tore through a donated library of Stephen King novels between the ages of 10 and 12 — yeah, it was dark.

One time, an uncle came by our home as we were just arriving from school and I was sitting in the car, lost in a novel. “Boy, you always have your head in a book,” he…



Kayus Fernander
The Shadow

I love teaching people about money, using my mistakes as what not to do. I want to help 1,000 people get one step closer to better personal finances!