Playing Russian Roulette…with 92,000 Chambers

Erik Assadourian
The Shadow
Published in
10 min readApr 2, 2021


Should we really be frightened of getting vaccinated? Or should we be excited?

It’s funny, I just finished watching Utopia, an ultraviolent TV show on Amazon about a group of ‘deep state’ operatives who create a vaccine (and a disease as well, “Russian Flu”) in order to inject everyone with a vaccine that will sterilize 95 percent of the population. Honestly, it was quite an engaging show but I’m not surprised that Amazon declined to make a second season considering, well, the current pandemic raging and worldwide vaccination effort! (EN1)

When that’s in the cultural background, and fearmongering around vaccines more generally is in the foreground (as well as an ongoing general distrust of government and their real medical abuses in years past), I can see why 28.5 percent of people around the world are hesitant to get the COVID vaccine. (EN2)

Add to that the fear embedded in taking action rather than not: I remember listening to a doctor (and vaccine proponent) say on the radio how scared he was watching the needle go into his young son’s arm (for a routine vaccination) surely imagining the things that could go wrong, even if there’s just a small chance. This is a real and visceral response, no matter how many facts you know, reflected in countless actual and fictional scenarios:

“It’s, it’s right behind you!” (Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)



Erik Assadourian
The Shadow

Sustainability researcher, ecophilosopher, Gaian, and father of one.