Replace Your Advent Calendar With Self-Care Every Day of December

Norrie Beach
The Shadow
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2021
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

We’re a few days into December and maybe you, like me, are seeing everyone opening their advent calendars all over Social Media. Even though Advent is a Christian tradition, these fun, cute calendars have become a staple in households everywhere during the month of December. Each has 24 boxes with a treat inside for each day of the month of December. Some have tiny chocolates, others have different flavors of tea, and some even have treats for your pet to enjoy every morning. Even if you’re not religious, it’s a wonderful way to end the year by bringing joy and excitement into the final month.

Advent calendars are a fun tradition because they give you something to look forward to every single day in December. As a child, I loved opening my calendar every day and seeing what treat I would get to enjoy. Now, instead of buying a calendar, I create one. Every day in December, I treat myself to a different self-care activity. I make my calendar on November 30th, and I post it on my fridge and every day I check to see what I’m going to do for myself.

Even though we’re already a day into December, you can still create your own self-care calendar! Spend some time thinking about all the things that bring you joy, and schedule one for every day this month. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Have a cup of tea in front of the fire
  2. Call someone you love
  3. Go for a walk in nature
  4. Buy yourself a warm beverage from your favorite coffee shop
  5. Cook your favorite meal
  6. Turn off your phone all day (or don’t go on social media)
  7. Get cozy and watch a holiday movie
  8. Journal
  9. Take a bath
  10. Meditate
  11. Have a dance party in your living room
  12. Do Yoga
  13. Start a new book
  14. Set some goals for the New Year
  15. Donate clothes you don’t wear anymore
  16. Buy a planner for 2022
  17. Light a candle
  18. Try a new fitness class
  19. Do something artistic — draw, paint, whatever you like!
  20. Write down ten things you’re grateful for
  21. Get up early
  22. Do a face mask
  23. Bake something
  24. Order take-out from your favorite restaurant

End your year on a good note, and you’ll be sure to start 2022 feeling great! If you need more ideas, there are tons of pre-made self-care lists out there to choose from.



Norrie Beach
The Shadow

Freelance writer. Blogger. Lover of true crime podcasts, appetizers, and going to the beach.