Shit Will Never Be the Same Again.

There’s no coming back from a global pandemic.

Nikki T
The Shadow


Photo by Dimitar Belchev on Unsplash

A year ago, the world was stopping and we were all freaking out. The uncertainty of what a global pandemic meant for us all was scary. Figuring out how to work from home, remote learn, and share the same space with every household member for weeks on end came with unexpected lessons. At that time, I wrote about finding peace in the slow down and enjoying finding joy in simpler things. Being forced to stop being busy allowed time for reflection, connection, and the ability to be intentional about what I spent time on. I read more books in 2020 than I had since I was in grade school and started to enjoy the snuggles and slowness of the weekends. It was nice to not have a routine for a while because there was nothing to wake up for and nowhere to go. Life became day drinks, Netflix binges, and late-night snacks with the ability to hit repeat day after day, all while wearing the same sweat pants until they started to smell.

A year into the pandemic, life is starting to speed back up again. Offices and restaurants are opening, restrictions are lessening, and slowly but surely more and more is getting added to the schedule. Vaccinations are replacing fear and anxiety with hope. Not everything is going to be back to the way it was though, and some of the shit that went down during COVID-19…



Nikki T
The Shadow

Midwest working-mom, runner, wife, friend, and sometimes yogi. Licensed counselor. I write about being a human in this wild world.