The Complete and Only Actors’ Headshots Makeup Guide You’ll Ever Need

Are you getting ready to schedule your very first headshot appointment?

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Shadow


Image provided by author

Imagine this: you’re at an audition, with tons of other actors waiting outside to go in to read the lines they’ve been given. They call you in. You step in front of the director and a couple of other important people, handing them your headshot and acting resume.

The director looks down at your headshot, then at you. She turns to one of the other people and says:

“You know what? This is exactly what I was looking for. I love your look — here, and in your headshot.”

Actors’ headshots can make a difference in an audition. Not always as dramatic as in this story — but you do need a high-quality headshot to look professional and be taken seriously.

But how do you get your makeup just right for the headshot? How do you stand out and look effortless all at once? If you don’t know how to do your makeup for one, you might be stressed.

That’s why we’ve put together this article. In it, you’ll learn everything about how to do your makeup for your headshots. Finally, you’ll be more likely to land your dream role. Read on to learn more.

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Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Shadow

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