The Lifetime Value of a Skill — How to Invest Your Time

In life we make choices how we spend our time. I aim to invest time to build skills with lasting value in my life.

Hannes Grauweihler
The Shadow


Author surfing [Image by Author]

I love surfing. The fresh air, the salty water, the sun and the ocean. Amazing! I only recently picked it up, starting in October last year, but ever since I was pretty much hooked. In a moment of silence and solitude or Friday night, as it became known during the lockdown (attention humour somewhere in the vicinity), I got to thinking about the usefulness of a certain skill like surfing.

We only have a limited amount of time in this life. We strive to achieve different goals in life, whatever they may be. For me, financial independence is one of those goals. So the time I spend learning about the stock market and investing is inherently very valuable from an economic perspective. While time spent learning how to surf may not be for several reasons:

  • Time reason: I will hopefully have money in the market until the end of my days, whereas my physical body will probably stop me from surfing at some earlier point in my life.
  • Monetary reason: Investing is a money-making skill, whereas surfing costs money. From an economic and financial independence perspective, investing is a superior skill.



Hannes Grauweihler
The Shadow

Surfing, Finance, Career, Startups, Venture-Capital and some other things I got to experience.