Toxic People Will Make You Crazy

That’s how you can spot them in the wild!

Rivka Wolf
The Shadow


Toxic people are not hard to identify. All you have to do is silence all the noise, quiet everyone else’s perspectives, and pay attention to your own behavior.

When you catch yourself wondering, why the heck am I acting so ridiculous, that is your moment! Something toxic is afoot.

Get out while the getting is good.

The Adult Infant: A Case Study

The Story: Marton got into a screaming match with me over chores. That is, I thought he should have to do them, but he disagreed.

Marton was convinced that he had gotten “the worst chore” when house chores were assigned. He arrived half an hour late to that house meeting. He felt it was Entirely Unreasonable for chores to be assigned without him there. He felt we should all have waited for him to arrive. Anything else was entirely unfair.

He also felt that being asked to sweep our teeny-ass kitchen out once a week was absolutely the worst chore ever. When I dared ask him to extend his sweeping to include the living room, he lost his damn mind.

He started screaming at me. Unlike his submissive girlfriend, who accepted his regular verbal hostility without a word, I fought back. He…

