Ture Taught Me: What Black Power Is & Isn’t

Black Power is Pan-Africanism! Free The Continent & Free The People!

Jordan McGowan
The Shadow


It is a level of resistance that we must begin to look for among our people. Pick up that thread and do what has to be done so that our people will survive. Three things. First and foremost: he has been able to make us hate each other. He has transplanted that hate and the love for each other for a love of his country… HIS country. We must begin to develop number one — and this is the most important thing we can do as a people — we must first develop an undying love for our people… If we do not do that, we will be wiped out. We must develop an undying love for our people. Our slogan will become: ‘First our people, then, and only then me and you as individuals.’ Our people first… our people first.

Kwame Ture

An undying love for our people is a requirement in order for us to survive, as Ture puts it “if we do not do that, we will be wiped out.” We must recognize the genocide going on due to amerikkkas imperialist neo-colonial government, so in order to survive this genocide, we must build a connection, a relationship, a love for the people. Not just any love either, but as Ture puts it an “undying love.” The type of love that is never-ending, a love that makes you live for the people, the type of love that…



Jordan McGowan
The Shadow

Afrikan Griot — Music Lover — Former Athlete Turned Coach — Unapologetic — Political Scientist — Afrikan