Using the concept of the future self for weight loss success

Melanie Robson
The Shadow
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2021


You already are your future self, so use it

Photo by Saffu on Unsplash

Weight loss is hard.

Well, in principle it is easy: eat less move more. But in practice it is extraordinarily difficult. You’re probably aware of the dismal statistics related to long-term sustained weight loss success: it’s very very poor.

I know how difficult it is because I’ve spent years — decades — losing and gaining weight. I would say I’m somewhat of an expert at doing it. At succeeding then failing then succeeding again.

I’ll be upfront and say I find it very challenging to stay at a lower weight. Biology and psychology tell us there are many (personal and unique) reasons for this.

But I can get weight off when I put my mind to it. But what does that mean exactly?

I’m going to share some of my thoughts and personal experiences in how I’ve successfully managed to lose chunks of weight (10–15kgs) at certain times in my life . In regards to successfully keeping it off, well, you’re going to have to look elsewhere until I work out my own personal holy grail for this!

We are all time travellers

Time is such a strange concept. Linear and fixed, yet at the same time it’s literally all happening at once.



Melanie Robson
The Shadow

I write about sex and pleasure, and a few other bits and bobs.