What Are the Best Clothing Choices for Actors Headshots?

Here’s what to wear when getting actors headshots.

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Shadow


Image provided by author

As an actor living and working in New York City, you already know the competition is fierce. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are thousands of registered actors in New York City. And, that number is growing every day.

Besides your talent and drive, how can you stand out from this enormous talent pool and book the acting jobs you desire? Having quality actors headshots can help.

But, what you wear to your photo session is equally important. Consider your headshots like a time-stamp. Your look and style must be chosen wisely and help convey your acting aspirations and potential.

Read on to learn what to wear (and what to avoid) to your next headshot photo session. These tips can help protect your photography investment and get you the gig!

Dress the Part

When choosing your clothing or look for a headshot photography session, you may reach for flattering pieces. Or, you may have go-to style staples you love. While feeling confident and comfortable in your clothing choice is key, this should not be the only consideration.



Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Shadow

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