What I Wish I Knew Before the Death of a Loved One

I thought grieving was straight-forward, so I wasn’t prepared for how the death of a loved one almost destroyed me.

Maria Martins
The Shadow


source: pxhere.com

Call me naive, but I thought the whole ordeal of death, no matter how painful, was still simple.

Someone dies, you grieve.

Grieving wouldn’t be easy, of course not, but at least it was straight-forward. There was a clear process; the death, the mourning period and a healing point. A quick search on google and you’ll get step-by-step guides, a plethora of information and how-tos to help you get through it.

So, when I finally experienced the death of a loved one, I was terrifyingly confused. I couldn’t find the help I needed. There was so much more to it than just grieving. Why wasn’t I aware of this? It not only blindsided me but heightened my pain and irrevocably changed my life.

Then and now.

It’s a point in someone’s life that was so life-changing that it splits their life into a then (before it happened) and a now (after it happened). This is what happened to me at the age of 25 when my grandmother died. She was the only grandparent I ever had, and I lived with her since my teens. To say she was a big part of my world would be a massive…



Maria Martins
The Shadow

Eternal optimist, writer and unofficial therapist to my friends. I love sharing advice and aspects about my life.