Why going green is going forward?

We need to be better, together

Ivan Jacimovic
The Shadow
4 min readApr 13, 2021


A picture of an arrow drawn on concrete with a person walking away from the camera in the direction the arrow is drawn.
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

“We don’t have planet B.”

“The planet is giving us more than we deserve.“

I’m sure that by now most of us have heard a plethora of similar quotes. But apart from bringing doom & gloom to the office, this shift in our paradigm of rather conserving than consuming is happening right now.

And every business will have to adapt its philosophy to the ever-growing trend of providing a sustainable solution.

I’m sure that on most days, it’s even annoying to hear the same overused paroles using the latest trend to market something. I know it bugs me, as well.

The point is the market, and more importantly, we are adapting this “going green” idea when choosing our next product or service.

LOHAS category

A massive panorama of a valley, with mountain peaks, hills, meadows and forests filling up the scenery.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

When I say we, I mean an expanding demographic defined by the need for sustainability and bringing awareness to others, neatly conveyed as an acronym LOHAS or Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability.

From organic to renewable, from socially responsible to eco-friendly, we’re not a minority group of earth-lovin’, let’s legalize it, forward thinkers (although those guys and girls are great).

We’re a mom who wants what’s best for her kids and their future, we’re hikers who enjoy trekking across diverse natural landscapes.

We are everyone aware of our impact on our natural habitat.

And we’ll choose and buy our way of thinking.

Today, around 81% of people will first check if there’s an eco-friendly option when picking their next product or service. Make no mistake, we’re still a consumer society foremost. And we’re voting with our wallets.

Be aware, not trendy

A woman holding a protest sign “Act now or swim later”.
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Putting a simple #goinggreen hashtag will not cut it, either.

While being “green” and “eco-conscious” is all the rage now, we’re here to raise awareness, not capitalize on another marketing trend.

Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons will not go unnoticed. The concept of greenwashing is already in full swing, with many Fortune 500 companies receiving backlash from the community because of their dishonest campaigns (I’m sure you’re aware of Apple’s many moves in this department).

For a couple of years, I worked on a cruise ship in the HR department. My team and I were responsible for educating the crew about environmental management. Reducing plastic use, minimizing food waste, and assorting litter into different bags.

Like one for paper, one for aluminum cans, etc. If a crew member was caught not adhering to guidelines, he/she would get a warning. Two warnings result in disciplinary action.

But one time, at the start of our season, during a big eco presentation by our superior, they handed us plastic cups for refreshments…

Nobody likes to experience double standards. So, when it happens customers feel cheated and annoyed.

The point isn’t to discourage any company trying to become more sustainable, the opposite. Any start in the right direction is great.

But being transparent and aware of your capabilities will create an honest connection with your clients.

Nobody is perfect, we’re all very much aware of that.

Okay, but what’s the point?

Girl sitting and looking in the distance, with her back in front of us. She’s looking across the mountanious landscape while the sun sets.
Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

Going green is not a fancy, new fad invented by marketers that’ll disappear over time (like fidget spinners). It’s a new differentiator, a new internal scale on how we choose our products, which will only grow in importance.

Going green means accepting the idea of eco-innovation. Understanding that each new change or introduction has to be done with respect for the planet.

If that means reducing your output pollution even 1% less or educating your consumers on how to use your products in an eco-friendly way, you’re on to an impressive start.

Going green means striving to be a little bit better, together.

Someone smarter than me once said:

“We can’t expect good things to happen to us if we don’t do good things to nature”

Fun fact: a recent study showed that companies with a focus on eco-innovations are growing, on average, 15 percent a year.

The bottom line is this — If you wish to attract more clients and expand your business, be aware that most of us are looking for eco-friendly solutions and eco-conscious companies.

And we’re just getting started.

If you want to learn more about how I can help you share your story and understand the importance of proper messaging and design while avoiding any greenwashing concerns, click here.



Ivan Jacimovic
The Shadow

I help green start-ups and NGOs design & narrate their story. 🌿 One eco-friendly mission at a time. 👉 greentogether.design