Why I Look Forward To Turning 30

The clock is ticking, but I won’t try to stop the handle.

Jay Pendragon
The Shadow


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.

Earlier today, I video called a friend of mine who has reached her 70s. She’s a comic and a traveler, agile and quick-witted even though most of society would pronounce her dead.

“I’m 70 going on 30,” she says with a laugh, putting her loyal companion, a brown teddy bear, down on her bed.

I set the latest addition of my own stuffed animal family back on my desk, and verbalize what I’ve been thinking for a long time: “Yeah, I can’t wait to turn 30 myself!”

We share another laugh, joke about how silly it is for folks to think the world ends when you have a three in front of your age (or a five, or a seven), and continue our catch-up session.

Yet afterward, I’m pensive. Because yes, I do genuinely look forward to turning 30 in March 2021.

Let me explain why, and hopefully, this will help you enjoy the aging process too, whenever life has it in store for you.

1. My 20s were quite dark.

Rather than have the time of my life in my 20s, I spent several years severely depressed and in the throes of an eating disorder, to the point where…



Jay Pendragon
The Shadow

Nonbinary queer storyteller, learning how to enjoy life during eating disorder recovery. They/them. https://jaypendragon.com