Write Yourself A Love Letter

For the past three years, I’ve been writing myself a love letter every year.

Irene Chooi
The Shadow
3 min readJan 6, 2022


When 31st December comes, I take a piece of A4 paper, tear it in half and pour my heart out onto the page to the version of myself 12 months down the line. I tell the girl I’m envisioning how proud I am of her for trying her best when it’s hard.

I tell her how much I love her tenacity in the face of adversity. I embrace her with love, kindness, and acceptance of her accomplishments and perceived failures. I remind her of our hopes and dreams for this year and reassure her that regardless of whether she achieved them, I am proud of her.

Whenever I read those letters to myself, I am overwhelmed by emotion. I am reminded of how far I’ve come mentally and emotionally and it gives me the strength to continue in that stride.

Like how most Hollywood stories start, this decision to romance myself was triggered by intense heartbreak. As I wallowed in my sorrow on the tarp-textured floor covering of my rented room all those years ago, I decided I would love myself instead of waiting to be loved.

Such a powerful feeling it was to decide that screw the world, I’m taking matters into my own hands. I am not a damsel in distress, I am a fierce tigress who can take care of myself and become the Romeo (for the lack of a better name) of my dreams.

It doesn’t have to be a few pages long. It can even be a sticky note.

As 2022 approaches bearing similar pandemic challenges, it’s more important than ever now to treat ourselves with compassion and love. There are so many ways you can do this, but I strongly recommend putting your compassion into words. More specifically, putting those words of enveloping love into a letter for yourself.

When you put your thoughts on paper, something magical happens. Every stroke of the pen transmits your raw emotion. Every mistake made on the page adds character to your story. You manifest your innermost desires for your future self.

When I start writing my love letters with pen and paper, I forget that I’m self-conscious about my handwriting. I forget that I am suspicious of my spelling and most importantly, I forget my self-doubt. I am so focused on expressing my devotion for the girl I hope to become in the future that everything around me fades.

Every letter I write to myself is an affirmation of my promise to love and put myself first. Only when I live up to this vow, can I give more to others. A damaged person might unintentionally harm those around them, but a whole human being can give freely.

As I write this, I am planning my letter to be opened on 31st December 2022. I can’t wait to meet the person I’ll become.

I hope you’ll join me in this practice. Love yourself. No one else can do it as you can.

Happy New Year and stay safe.



Irene Chooi
The Shadow

Aspiring writer who is trying to type/write/scratch through all the fuzz in my brain. Loves learning about self-development and reading books.