Publication News

Join the Facebook Chat Group for The Shalom Sentinel

Connect with Others on a Wellness Journey

J.M. Troppello
The Shalom Sentinel
3 min readApr 23, 2024


Credit: JM Troppello

I recently changed the name of this original publication, The Beauty Sentinel, to The Shalom Sentinel. You can read more about why I changed the name in the following article:

I wanted to connect with our readers in a more personal environment, so I created a Facebook chat room for The Shalom Sentinel. Click the following link to visit The Shalom Sentinel Facebook group:

I will post links to articles from The Shalom Sentinel publication there. I will also share information on my personal health journey and the wellness plan I’m using. I will ask questions to generate discussion in the group.

For example, today’s question was…

