Something That My Parents Were Right About

The Shalom Sentinel
3 min readSep 5, 2023

Our parents were not ignorant in everything

I remember the fear on her face as he continually hit her across the face. She had blood running down her face because of the strikes against her. She said, “I don’t want y’all believing it is okay for someone to hit you.” I never forgot those words. Some believe that love is abuse. Others believe that love is control. I mean, why should anyone be able to dominate anyone because they think they are stronger?

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Society has taught us that we are to accept everything in a relationship even if it hurts because, well, it’s normal to go through problems. Abuse is not beautiful. Abuse is an ugly form of what people think love is. Okay, you may not hit someone, but you verbally abuse them. And it can come in many forms. It can occur between a Mother and daughter, Daughter with Mother, Spousal abuse, Elderly abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and financial abuse. I know there are more examples of abuse, but I think you get the point.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Love can be a beautiful thing when created correctly. Love is not supposed to be fickle. In my opinion, love that is fickle is a confused form of love that will never last. It will eventually die out and never come back. Our society has been searching for the purest form of love since the beginning. That love that we are searching for is in us and returns in the form of a newborn. Newborns are helpless and need you for everything. The look they give you after you feed them is to say they are happy to be here in this world. As we grow older, we grow more bitter and more conditioned. Circumstances in life can add to our bitterness. We tend to lose the pure love that we once had when we entered into this world. The weight of life pulls us into a sea of hatred.

Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

The elders showed us once love has grown cold and dissolved; it’s sometimes best to let it go. You’re not letting the person go per se, but you’re letting go of the fact that the love is no longer there. It has changed because people have changed. So sometimes, saying goodbye to that phase is necessary in life. It’s never an easy thing to do, but love is always supposed to grow. So we can view love as the beautiful emotion that can be, not how you negatively experienced it. Walk in that love and peace always, and accept the different forms of love that may come your way. I promise you, you won’t regret it because it’s something you needed in that season for you to be able to go forth. Stay beautiful ❤️

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash



The Shalom Sentinel

I believe writing can heal the soul from emotional trauma