
Missity Isa
the Sham Shui Po LabSprint
4 min readAug 22, 2015


Hitting nails


From the Mei Ho House to the
Kowloon Funeral Parlor

Rachel Chak & Gabriele de Seta, 18–08–2015, Interview Story



Photos by Gabriele de Seta.










From the Mei Ho House to the Kowloon Funeral Parlor

It’s a sunny August afternoon, and the reflection of some clothes hung to dry shines on the surface of the artificial lake. I see a shirtless man holding a lunch box sitting on a bench near the t-shirts and towels hung on the railing of the bridge: he looks very relaxed, enjoying his lunch with a can of beer. The piles of bags and boxes orderly arranged in a pavilion behind him look like the property of a homeless person, so we approach him to have a talk. He might be in his mid-forties, and his face has something of a gangster look.

Mr. Ng has been living on the streets of Sham Shui Po for two or three years and he’s quite satisfied about his current situation. He thinks that the main issue behind homelessness is drug addiction; sometimes, family conflicts and the inflation of rents are also problems that drive people to a life on the streets. The rent is so high, he explains, that he cannot even afford a single caged bed or a small room in a subdivided flat; since these accommodations are so small, anyway, people can’t live there for long, and eventually they end up on the streets again.

Mr. Ng grew up in the area, spending his youth in the Mei Ho House until his building was demolished: “I have always been in Sham Shui Po, I stayed in my house until it had to be rebuilt and then I couldn’t live there anymore”. He explains that the reason why he stays around Sham Shui Po is because of the welfare organizations that distribute lunch boxes and other goods around here. Mr. Ng likes to live by himself, and he prefers not to stay with other homeless people packed together in the same place. He is satisfied with all the facilities available in the park, although recently “something unexpected happened”, but he doesn’t explain what happened exactly that forced him to move out of the park and find a place to sleep somewhere near the Kowloon Funeral Parlor.

All that I have is my own life

“My family members are all gone, and I don’t think that’s a big deal, I don’t care about what I have left, I don’t care about anything else. All that I have is my own life, nothing else, and I don’t care about where I end up living: as long as I can stay in Sham Shui Po, that’s ok”. Mr. Ng thinks that homeless people will always face some trouble, for example during the winter they have to carry very heavy quilts that are not easy to move around, and if something happens there’s not enough time to pack everything and move away. Summer is the most comfortable season for him, since he just needs one or two pieces of clothing, although it rains quite often and he’s afraid of getting wet while he’s sleeping. But this is not a big deal since he can always come dry his clothes on the bridge railing, and sit here while keeping watch on them.

Hong Kong is always changing

Mr. Ng has a good relation with his neighbors, and elderly people from the area sometimes visit him, although some of the residents from the newly developed area next to the public housing estate only come to the park to complain about the homeless, and he will occasionally have arguments with them. Most of the people who come to complain are new residents from Mainland China, and Mr. Ng thinks that they are weird — keigwaai, keigwaai, keigwaai, he repeats — “even though we are all Chinese, there are some differences between us”. He thinks that Mainland mingong [migrant workers] who come to Hong Kong to do construction work are also the cause of his employment problems: no matter how good or bad his work performance is, he cannot make any return. Especially in Hong Kong, he tells us, it’s no use to be serious at work. “I just keep pungding [literally ‘hitting nails’, being rejected]. Mainland people will take over Hong Kong and eventually even this park will be gone because of them”.

The only thing that doesn’t change

As our conversation winds down, Mr. Ng recalls how drug use in Sham Shui Po has remained the same since he was a kid. “The situation hasn’t changed”, he reflects, “people keep taking drugs, jau yi fuk chi [keep moving in circles], and this social problem is always around here. The environment keeps changing and society keeps developing, but why hasn’t the drug use situation changed for so long?”

