Deep Talk about a homelessness with house 深訪有家的露宿者

Tom Tam
the Sham Shui Po LabSprint
7 min readAug 18, 2015

Tom, Mani and Rosonne, 16–08–2015, Urban Nomads, Mrs. Lau’s story

今年79 歲的劉婆婆,露宿北河街公園對面天橋底已一年多。以為露宿者皆為無家可歸之人就大錯特錯了,劉女士不僅有家,還有家人,選擇露宿街頭,皆因要替「姐妹管家」。

劉婆婆原廣東人,丈夫為香港人。鄧小平上任時隨夫定居香港,育有一子二女,分別任廠長、政府工,皆在內地生活。 因交通費昂貴,子女鮮有到港探望,平日以電話聯絡。丈夫腳患,行動不便。兩人居長沙灣一公屋。



平日有學生、記者、教會人士到訪,送上飯券或物資。 熱心人士如明哥亦會定時派飯。她對物資要求不高,別人送甚麼就要甚麼,但一定會與友人分享,同甘共苦。 夏天街頭炎熱,時有蚊叮,但問及現時露宿街頭的感受,她感到「開心」又「滿足」,且熱心人士亦會送上蚊香。

劉婆婆清晨時分在床位前擺檔,賣背包,衣物等物資。 問到為何不回內地生活,婆婆指戶口不在內地,無壽福金,但在香港有生果金,每月二千二,加上拾荒所賺,節省點也夠用。


Tom, Mani, Rosonne, 16–08–2015, Urban Nomads, Interview Reflection




Mrs Lau has been stayed in Hong Kong for a few decades. Although she has a regular dwelling provided by the government, she chooses to stay under the bridge overnight. The main reason is that she would like to stay there with two of her friends. Surprisingly, Mrs Lau expressed that she is satisfied with her current living condition in the street. Her situation has drawn our attention and sparked our critical reflection that a safe, secure and hygienic accommodation is no more important than the relationship between her friends. Indeed, she desires for the connection with her neighbors who can take care of her, chat with her and spend time with her. Simply, she needs an area where she can hang out with her friends and connect with people. After listening to Mrs Lau’s story, we realized that some of the elder people who stay on the street for a long period have a reason behind. Ostensibly, it is controversial that they have changed this “Public Area” into their “Private Area”, but what they need is a relationship in their community, namely, neighbourhood.

In this situation, we have a deep reflection about how citizens can use the “Public Area” in a win-win situation. As we all know, the government would like to manage this area and force the homelessness to leave in order to take over the right of the way for the public. There are three assumptions behind this behaviour, firstly, the large size belongings of the homelessness will block the street, for example, their bed, blanket and cooking utensils; secondly, the right of land usage is not only focused on a small group of people; thirdly, everyone should have the equal chance to use this area as the mobility should exist when it comes to the public area. Are these assumptions justifiable and reasonable? We cannot deny that Hong Kong citizens have faced with a scarcity of land and busy working lifestyle. We all desire for private area and space. And there is a group of people who desires for a public area where they can gain rapport from their neighbours. Shall the government consider how to facilitate a community-oriented connection when they set their housing policy and plan of land? Also, which group of people has the privilege to use the public area and who can decide the usage of this public area?

