New Jersey organizations lead the way in connecting volunteers

Volunteer Center of South Jersey and United Way of Northern New Jersey are creating new opportunities in the state.

Melissa Riker
The Shamong Sun
2 min readJun 7, 2018


Volunteer Center of South Jersey and United Way of Northern New Jersey are leading the way in connecting volunteers to new opportunities in the state. The data sharing initiative through Galaxy Digital connects both organizations to expand the reach of nonprofits connected on their sites.

With UWNNJ as a partner through the Volunteer Generation Fund — an investment towards volunteer management practices that increase volunteer recruitment and retention — Michele Epifani, Executive Director of VCSJ, saw the opportunity to combine data to make the program efficient for volunteers and nonprofits. Epifani said, “The Volunteer Center believes in taking advantage of our relationships, resources and technologies to make volunteering easy. We are so excited to be connecting to our VGF Partner United Way of Northern New Jersey.”

Lisa Galonardo, Manager of Regional Volunteer Management at UWNNJ recognizes the importance of the effort to connect New Jersey volunteer organizations. “United Way of Northern New Jersey is pleased and proud to be partnering with the Volunteer Center of South Jersey to promote volunteerism across New Jersey,” said Galonardo. “The linking of our Get Connected sites in northern and southern New Jersey will help thousands of people across our state to find meaningful, interesting and engaging volunteer opportunities that meet their needs and truly make a difference in our communities.”

Galaxy Digital allows for more accessibility to volunteers throughout the state. “We are very excited to see the Volunteer Center of South Jersey and the United Way of Northern New Jersey moving forward together with one of the most powerful features of our Get Connected volunteer platform.” said Doss Church, CEO of Galaxy Digital. “We wish them success in their efforts and are excited to continue to support their initiatives to further technology connections to other centers, campuses, businesses and communities in New Jersey!”

The data shared will allow registered volunteers to respond to needs (opportunities) and events on both of the organization’s sites with the ability to log hours into a resume. Information and needs posted by nonprofit agencies will transfer to both sites.

