Sun Editorial: What will be the big issues of 2019?

Local governments and schools are making their lists of priorities. Call attention to issues you think are most important.

Melissa Riker
The Shamong Sun
2 min readJan 7, 2019


By Alan Bauer
The Sun

The start of a new year offers an opportunity to look ahead, plan a course of action and resolve lingering issues. In some instances, new municipal and school board members will begin their terms. They will bring fresh ideas and approaches to local government. For other towns and school districts, staying the course will be the plan for 2019.

Chances are your local governments will be tackling a combination of old issues and new challenges. Some matters simply reappear every year — roadwork, for example. Others, like a construction bond, for example, show up periodically, but can have a huge impact on a community.

As 2019 kicks off, we invite you to share your thoughts about issues — old or new — you think your local governments should address this year. It might be something that, seemingly, never goes away, or an idea that is new to the arena of public debate.

Everybody wants super low taxes and super great public services. The challenge is striking a balance between the two.

We think that, ultimately, taxpayers are most satisfied when they believe they are getting the “most bang for the buck.” They want to see their hard-earned tax dollars spent wisely. They want to see tangible results — good schools, responsive emergency services, smooth roads, etc. — in return for their tax payments.

Many towns and school districts will begin their budgeting processes in the near future. That’s when leaders pick and choose where your tax dollars are spent.

And that means now is a great time to let those leaders know what you want to see. Are you willing to give up a service in return for lower taxes? Would you pay more taxes if a program is started? Let your voice be heard by sending a letter to the editor to the email address at the right.

Local governments are making their lists of priorities. Here is your chance to call attention to issues you think are most important in your community.

