
The Shape of Words
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2015

Among friends,
he would hug her tightly
against him, kiss her forehead,
and they would twirl, smiling
as the world spun around them,
the sound of their joy carried
by the water and held deeply
by the trees.

In the quiet moments,
she would sit with him
on the couch, her feet in his lap,
and he would lift her hand in his
and feel warmed by the way
the sun always grazed
the corners of her smile.

Together, their home and life
were filled with laughter,
but always they sought
the gentle peace
and stillness
of the great
they knew
they shared.

Originally written on commission for the wedding zine of two friends, Daniel and Alyse. They were married on June 20, 2015. Congrats to you both. I love you.

