build your brand like Red Bull.

The art of Storytelling on Social Media in 2013 

5 min readSep 20, 2013


Let’s start with understanding what “Social Media” actually is in a tangible way.

Social media is a living breathing ecosystem online made up of various small and large platforms, each different and unique in their own way. But something that makes them similar is that everyone on these “Social Platforms” is in some way connected to each other through: content.

For example:

  • Tweeters are connected to other Tweeters through Tweets and Re-tweets.
  • Instagramers are connected to other Instagramers through photos.
  • Pinterest users are connected to other Pinterest users through “Pins”
  • Snapchatters connect through “Snaps”.
  • LinkedIn users also connect through content, either sharing pieces of content or being resourceful through group discussions, again it’s all content.
  • Tumblr users connect with other Tumblr users by curating content that someone might like and will connect too.

Through content we content.

Heck, it’s what makes Social media “Social” in a lot of ways.

“So what does Storytelling has to do with all of this?” – You might ask.

Answer: Great content is Storytelling.

Okay so ever heard of Red Bull?

Yeah you know, that energy drink company that is also one of the greatest brands’ on planet earth.

Do you know the “secret sauce” that has helped them build their brand?

Yep, you guessed it: Storytelling.

There is no brand quite like Red Bull.

Red Bull has built an influential and a powerful brand in the 21st century by mastering the art of storytelling.

Red Bull Case Study

Red Bull on Facebook

Red Bull is storytelling their values, believes and what they stand for everyday on Facebook. Rather than promoting its caffeinated drink, instead, the wall posts focus on images and videos of extreme sports and athletes sponsored by Red Bull.

Red Bull on Twitter

On Twitter, Red Bull is storytelling in a different way.

The official Red Bull account has just over 900,000 followers and it generally just tweets out links to images and videos of its sponsored athletes, though there are occasional questions and comments on current events.

Communicating with people who mention its name via twitter search. Red Bull is building context and taking every opportunity to storytell what the brand stands for and it’s core values – not the product.

Red Bull on YouTube

Red Bull is creating stunning content which has contributed to Red Bull’s success on YouTube, where it has cultivated a subscriber audience of 2 million. Storytelling about what it stands for by creating content about extreme sports.

Red Bull on Instagram

Again, storytelling through visually stunning photos, the brand is create micro-content about extreme sports and athletes who take part in such sports. Through interesting and creative storytelling, Red Bull keeps building it’s brand equity and following on Instagram.

The popularity of Red Bull’s stunning photography explains why the brand is doing so well on Instagram vs. other social platforms.


They understood the core principles of storytelling, and executed it flawlessly.

#1 Storytelling Principles

When I say storytelling, I DON’T mean to “Tell-Your-Story”. That is no history of the founders or your ‘humble’ beginnings or whatever..

No, No and No.

Storytelling revolves around the notion that: To influence people, just figure out what already influences them.

1. You identify your brands core values – What do you stand for? What are your core values, believes and attitudes?

Think about your core customers – What do they stand for? What do they value the most? What are they motives and believes?

The secret is to be congruent and align your core values, attitudes and believes with your customers

2. Absence of product and full exposure of your value proposition is the key to storytelling through content.

Finally, once you’ve identified your core values and value proposition, it’s time to identify a social platform and start storytelling.

#2 Identify a platform – Research

Remember when I told you that “every social platform is different and unique”. Well now is the time to get your thinking cap on, and start researching.

Identify a social platform that you will use to storytell: Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, LinkedIn etc.

Research your chosen platform and understand how people really produce and share content on it. And more importantly, understand for what purposes do people actually use that platform itself .

Do they use the social platform to learn: Quora.

Do they use the social platform to find inspiration: Pinterest, Instagram

Do they use the social platform to express themselves: Tumblr

Answers to these questions will help YOU create a great content strategy and storytell effectively to connect with people on social media and build a brand:

1. How does the social platform actually work?

2. For what purpose(s) do people use the social platform?

3. How do people produce content on it: Photos, Videos, Audio, Text, Info-graphs?

Originally written on




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