9 Signs You Might be Becoming a Hermit

Are you a victim of the Covid induced — Hermit Syndrome

Lynda Coker
3 min readNov 6, 2020


Image by Prettysleepy from Pixabay

Hermits have no peer pressure. ~Steven Wright

The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere. ~James Russell Lowell

Because I’ve always been a people person, I’m now doing things I thought I’d never do. I’m enjoying being sequestered in my home distanced from most people except for a few family members that are helping me stay safely tucked away. But recently, I’ve discovered that I’m becoming hermit-like in my comfortable abode. Here are my symptoms. Can you relate?

  1. Binge-watching my favorite Asian Dramas no longer has a quilt factor attached. What else is there to do anyway?
  2. I cut my own hair, which I’m pretty good at. And it’s a good thing I like it short because I’m not too keen on keeping it just so-so anymore. Who’s going to notice?
  3. Fresh air, birds, and squirrels have become my new circle of friends. And good friends they are! They make me feel better, sing beautifully, chatter up a storm, and keep me laughing at their squirrely antics. And I don’t have to impress them…
  4. I’ve begun a love affair with my house robes. They are my go-to attire of choice. No power dressing, no worrying…



Lynda Coker

I write about life, fictional worlds, and anything that catches my interest. I also design and create with textiles. Icky Chic Desings on Etsy