Amazing Things About Grass

Just because you walk on it doesn’t make it ordinary

Lynda Coker


Image by Nguyen Dinh Lich from Pixabay

Be tough in the way a blade of grass is: rooted, willing to lean, and at peace with what is around it. ~Natalie Goldberg

We walk, run, jump, stomp, dig, mow, feed, water, trim, roll, and weed this amazing vegetation. But most of all, we just enjoy looking at the luscious green color and feeling the plushy softness beneath our bare feet.

In the small town where I live in the southern part of the USA, the condition of one’s lawn is a symbol of character and status. A well-manicured lawn is coveted and envied. Who doesn’t want to see the local garden club’s Lawn of the Month sign proudly displayed next to their driveway?

it’s sad to say that in many cases beautiful lawns are restricted to those who have both the time and money to cultivate and maintain them. Grass seeds, turf, chemicals, fertilizers, and maintenance can be expensive.

Though most of us love grass, we do tend to take it for granted and know few facts about the subject. If you don’t believe me, test your knowledge of grass against my list.

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Lynda Coker

I write about life, fictional worlds, and anything that catches my interest. I also design and create with textiles. Icky Chic Desings on Etsy