Introduction to Pride and Audacity

Ecstasy — When life gives you what you don’t want and convinces you to love it

Lynda Coker
Fiction for the Heart by Lynda Coker
3 min readJan 10, 2021


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

A love story, at least a convincing one, requires three elements — the lover, the beloved, and the adventures they have together. ~Jane Smiley

PRIDE and AUDACITY (Also Known as GIVEN to the PRINCE)- He's an audacious Middle Eastern Prince. She's a prideful Wall Street Princess. These two warring hearts will burn a trail from the skyscrapers of New York City to the scorching sand of Ahalamin.

Excerpt #1

An intense, itchy sensation skimmed along the surface of her arms. Icy fingers of intuition crawled down her spine. Something dangerous lurked behind her. “Ridiculous,” she whispered, then turned to prove her assertion.

An icon of masculinity leaned against the marble column framing her father’s office door. At first impression, he appeared as hard as the stone he complimented. Dressed completely in black, his suit, shirt, tie, and shoes cast him as an illusion of darkness silhouetted against the cold, white marble supporting him. Only the nut-brown color of his skin and the whites of his eyes softened the vignette.

He was definitely the source of energy abrading her nerves. His self-assured pose indicated she’d intruded on…



Lynda Coker
Fiction for the Heart by Lynda Coker

I write about life, fictional worlds, and anything that catches my interest. I also design and create with textiles. Icky Chic Desings on Etsy