Pride and Audacity — Part 1

(Story is Complete) He was a stranger who claimed her for his own. She swore to make that his biggest mistake!

Lynda Coker
Fiction for the Heart by Lynda Coker
10 min readAug 31, 2020


How I imagine Rashid’s appearance — Photo by naeim jafari on Unsplash

He was the last man on earth she wanted, but she was the only woman on earth he’d have…From the skyscrapers of New York City to the ancient sands of Ahalamin, two untamed hearts war for supremacy.

Rashid studied the man across from him, his gaze steady and unyielding as he waited for Jacob Ballard to finish his proposal. Then, stiff with annoyance, he rose to his feet and leaned across Jacob’s desk. His 6' 2" height spanned its width and his splayed fingers rested heavily on the polished surface.

Making no effort to mask his indignation, he unleashed his words. “I don’t buy women.” His voice vibrated with ferocity. “Your suggestion is insulting.”

Jacob cleared his throat. “Obviously, I expressed myself poorly. Let me clarify.” With the spread of his palm, he urged Rashid to again take his seat. “I’m requesting a marriage arrangement between you and my daughter. If this takes place, I’ll relinquish the Bashan territory to you. Consider it a bride price. There is no insult intended. I believe such a proposal is…



Lynda Coker
Fiction for the Heart by Lynda Coker

I write about life, fictional worlds, and anything that catches my interest. I also design and create with textiles. Icky Chic Desings on Etsy