Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival Event Coordinators: Here is an opportunity to share information about your event

Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal
2 min readFeb 20, 2016

To SMSF Event Coordinators:

During the next few weeks I’ll be keeping track of all of the events which are being planned for the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival and posting updates on the website, Facebook, and Twitter.

One thing that would be helpful is if I can get basic information about everybody’s event so I can be sure that all of the events are given a fair share of coverage. There might even be an event or two which didn’t make it onto the brochure, but could still benefit from a mention on the site. Or, if your event has a website or social media profile let me know and I’ll direct web visitors there.

I’ve put together a brief online form which event coordinators can use to submit their event’s information. You can enter as much or as little information as you can, and the form can be re-submitted as you get new information.

I’ve also set up Communities for several of the SMSF events on Google+ where updates can be easily posted. See the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival Google+ page for a complete list of these communities, then follow your event if you would like to post updates. Or, contact me at if you have questions.

A schedule of events for the festival has also gone live on the website here. The list contains times as well as numbers for each event so that they can be easily found on the map.


Jon Morgan
SMSF Webmaster

Originally published at



Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal

I’m excited about the opportunities which are presented to us by the Internet and Technology. I am researching different ways in which content can be delivered.