Dates of upcoming Choir Festival competitions for the Shepherd High School choirs, plus Mr. Howard is looking for parents of choir students who might be able to help out.

Open Letter to Parents of Choir Students

Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal
2 min readFeb 21, 2016


February 22, 2016

Dear Parents,

In a few short weeks, the choirs of Shepherd Middle and High School will be participating in the annual MSVMA District 5 Choir Festival, being held at CMU. This event will take place during the school day, and we will be using school transportation.
If you are available, the event is open to spectators, and is free of charge. Below are the performance times for the three groups:

  • Tuesday, March 8: HS Concert Choir, 2:30 PM
  • Wednesday, March 9: MS Blue/Gold Choir, 9:30 AM
  • Wednesday, March 9: HS Women’s Chorus, 11:00 AM

Each group will be wearing a specific uniform for this event. Below, I have outlined what each group is wearing. Please help me in making sure your child is wearing the appropriate attire on the day of their event.

  • MS Blue/Gold Choirs: They will be wearing school provided tuxedo shirts and bow ties. Students are to wear blue jeans, without holes, and simple, flat shoes. Athletic shoes are acceptable. Please, no boots of any kind. Long hair needs to be pulled back, and out of the eyes.
  • HS Women’s Chorus, and Concert Choir: Students are to wear black pants/slacks, black shirts, and black shoes. No t-shirts,athletic shoes or heels. The men should wear a black dress shirt. Please try to make sure the ladies black top is short sleeve. We recently purchased accent pieces, ties and scarves, to round out the uniform.

One last bit of information. We need some help on Wednesday in the way of chaperones. Ideally, we need 5–7 parents. Also, we need 2 people to volunteer to serve as festival helpers on Tuesday, from 1–5. The duties are simple, and don’t require any music skills or knowledge. If you are available to help, please e-mail me ASAP at

Thank you.
Kyle W. Howard
Director of Vocal Music

Source: Shepherd Schools Choirs Facebook Page

Originally published at



Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal

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